used cars in san diego

Used electric cars: which parameters to evaluate before buying?

Are you going to buy an electric car and want to turn to the used market? Here are some tips to keep in mind when evaluating a battery-powered car on the second-hand market. Indeed, there are some checks that must be carried out very carefully.

An electric car, engine and battery apart, does not differ too much from an internal combustion model. Therefore, most of the checks to be done to verify the state of health of the vehicle do not differ from the “classic” ones. Where you really need to pay attention is on the remaining capacity of the accumulator electric cars for sale in san diego

Given the high costs for a possible battery replacement , provided that it is possible to do so in the model we are evaluating, it is essential to make sure that this is still in good working order. But let’s go in order  see post.


First of all, let’s remember a fundamental rule that may seem obvious, but which is always good to reiterate. The checks must be done by mechanics, that is by professionals who know how to accurately evaluate the condition of the car and who are able to detect defects that are invisible to those who are not in the trade.

Do-it-yourself could be a temptation, especially for those with some mechanical experience. A hobbyist, however, will never be able to reach the level of knowledge of those who make cars his profession: if we have a mechanic friend or a trusted professional, it is always a good rule to contact him.

So, what are the general checks to be carried out on an electric vehicle? As mentioned, they are more or less those of a normal endothermic car. It will be necessary to check the condition of the tyres, the brakes, the bodywork, the interiors and all the classic elements that are subject to periodic maintenance .

In the case of electrics there is an important advantage. Given the absence of the internal combustion engine, it will not be necessary to check the functioning of all its mechanical parts. Electric propulsion systems, as we know, are practically maintenance-free and have a much longer life than internal combustion units.

Obviously, it is always important to check if the car has regularly carried out all the coupons and find out if it has suffered any type of accident . In this regard, it is possible to find various online services that reconstruct the history of the vehicle.