Travel by bus From Kuala Lumpur to Mersing
Now traveling by bus to Mersing can be the most convenient and easy transportation for all within the budget to arrive on the spot at the Mersing Jetty. This place consists of the beautiful island for the paradise for the beach lover and for the diving lover due to the crystal clear water and some of the endless miles of the sand beaches. Every year, there is different number of the tourist that flocks to Mersing by the bus due to the natural attractions of the place. One can now thing of the different notes while travelling to this place. There are few of the bus providers only that proffers such travelling services. One can make the advanced booking from them that gets terminate at the Mersing bus terminals. This terminal is around ten minutes from the walking distance that is away from the Mersing jetty.
One can take up the bus to Mersing which have different schedules of early morning. This is also the fact that both the coaches have to arrive at the Mersing jetty for catching ferry at 11 am. One can take up these buses to traveling to nearby places of the Mersing, and timing of it depends on the traffic condition. It is known as the metropolitan region which holds good population in country. At the same time, it is the popular town with the natives and tourist for different reasons. It is located in the Johor state on eastern half of state; it is the only tow which is found in such region.
One can travel by bus to Mersing which consist of the primary point of departure to the nearest off shore island that are in number of 40 and like the PulauTioman for the ferries. Additionally they are located squarely on main road which connects eastern and southern parts of the Johor state. One can also access this state from the Kuala Lumpur. The approximate traveling time by bus from the Kuala Lumpur to Mersing is around 5 hours 15 minutes only. Visit it with your friends and family and soon.