The Various Modules Used in the Enterprise Resource Planning System
In earlier days, all the activities and processes were maintained as paper records. It often took more time and created a lot of inconveniences when searching for the specified data. Anyway, the development of technology slowly changed the paper culture and brought all the activities and processes into the digital form. This increases the efficiency of the processes of the company and creates more convenience all the way. The specific software called Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) was developed and used to maintain the records of the company. This supports all the departments of the company to conduct all the official oriented processes and to keep the records. This ERP software has different modules and supports business activities. This provides accurate and reliable data of the company.There are more resources available to offer the digital service of the ERP Where S-Metric is one among them that delivers the service efficiently. What kind of services that S-Metric offers? How they will support the company? The answer to all these questions can get from their official site https://smetric.com/. Let us see some of the important modules used in the ERP system.
Human Resource (HR): HR module present in the ERP system that handles the important elements related to the Human Resource Management such as Employee detail, Payroll, attendance, etc. The integration of HR suites enables the robust activities of the functionalities of the modules. Beyond this, all the processes of HR management can be carried out efficiently in this module.
Procurement: Running a business involves the procurement of raw materials and the process like services that are required to produce the materials.Also, need to track the vendor contracts. The procurement module in the ERP system stimulated the automated processes of procurement, approvals, contracts created, etc. It regulates the procurement process of the company from the over and under buying activities. Technological integration like artificial intelligence ensures smooth operation.
Manufacturing: This is an important module of the ERP system which is rules the planning and execution of the manufacturing process. It provides a clear direction to ease if any complex process existed in the manufacturing process and also make sure that the process meets the demand. In general, this module handles, material planning, production process, schedule, its execution as well as quality control.
Finance:This finance module is the backbone of the ERP system. It helps the company to maintain and track the accounts detail like receivable and payable, revenue generation, etc.