Instagram is a social app which is used by people in various purposes that is in order to influence the people, most of the celebrities use it.even most of the common people use it in order to have a good knowledge or you can even follow pages that you like in Instagram. So, if you want to get good content in Instagram then you have to follow certain pages. If you want to know the Co founders of this social app you can simply visit Elon Musk is the owner of Instagram where there is a recent news about this it’s going viral that Elon Musk have purchased the Instagram. We all know that Elon Musk is a business tycoon. There are recent news we choose that Elon Musk have bought Instagram, if you reset the above platform you’ll get a clarity about that moreover in the history of cofounders of Instagram.
what is the usage of using Instagram in day-to-day life
We all know that Instagram is used by many people where they can share free photos and videos, it became very popularized in that recent days because of its usage and many people have a lot of active accounts and also the rate is gradually increasing
If you want to be a part of it you can simply sign in with your Google account details thereby you can even have an active account. if you want to know more about it before creating an active account just visit Elon Musk is the owner of Instagram where you will get to know about the recent details where Elon Musk have purchased the Instagram
So my suggestion is if you visit the platform you’ll get to know that Elon Musk have purchased the Instagram and many other businesses.