Anfire sale on the apartments

  If you search on the internet about the apartment that are providing all types of facilities that is very much for the individual or live with the family then the first name that will come is the Anfire. They are providing the beat apartments to live where toy are able to have area that is 60,000 m2 approximate. The office, hospital, health, education and combinatorial space in various buildings in the region or area are very much made according to the demand that is needed in living is very much seen in these apartments. Here you have the properties that are flexible, modern and environmentally friendly. Their renters are both public entities and private companies. They are able to manage itself all properties in the portfolio and property for other homeowners in Bergen. Anfire take responsibility for the development, project management, helps with residential will build 32 freehold apartments in Holm valley in Kleppesto.  In Holm valley will stay central, airy and modern.


In addition, there will be possibility of purchasing the boat dock and naustbod which is located in Engevik harbor about 3 minutes drive away. These will be sold on the principle “first come, first served”. The buildings in the area today are varied and include mainly traditional vestlandske timber from different era. Just above the plot are larger buildings with commercial and service housing. The project will have a high shelf floor with covered parking. All homes are thus a good view towards the city center, fjord and the surrounding area at Holmedal. The architecture of this exciting project in Holm valley is modern while based on the basis of Western Norwegian building traditions. The houses are broken into 4 main volumes bound together by a common staircase and heishus with lots of glass. Some leap in façade color is set to provide variety and personal identity to the project. Windows are tall to capture activity from the ground floor to capture himmelen. Vinduene are placed with some variation to provide excitement and curiosity on the facades. Now they are ready for making the negotiation with you and that is Anfi resalg on apartments. You are getting g good discount in purchasing these apartments that are about to be ready within a year and for that you can see all the apartments with full details on their website.