Amazon Suspension Appeal – A Way Out for Seller’s
Suppose you have received the notification from Amazon to inform you that your Amazon account is temporarily suspended. And you know how much stressful it can be. The sellers who never have experienced Amazon suspension before and are not educated on this subject are possible to panic and thrash a bit in an attempt to get the business back with Amazon running. Whereas we cannot do anything on what you feel (it’s true, it is a very big deal!), we have a few tips that will help you navigate this process of appealing for your suspension & getting your business back on Amazon.
Understand Why You Account Got Suspended
This may appear very obvious; however knowing your account got suspended is the important step in this process of getting the account reinstated. Amazon can give the basic reason on why you got suspended, but it’s very important you take a little time in doing detective work & get familiar with why, where, or how things went against you. There are generally 2 reasons that Amazon can suspend your account; you didn’t follow their Seller Policies that you agreed on when you opened the account with Amazon, and your Performance has gone down below their minimum acceptable threshold at some areas. Thus, first thing is to check out which is an issue for you.
Policy Violations
There’re typically two main kinds of Seller Policy violations, which will result in the amazon suspension; selling the restricted product, or you have violated Amazon’s Seller Policies. The Amazon’s Seller Policies will include plenty f potential pitfalls, which includes setting up one or more Seller Central Account not requesting for approval from Amazon, sending the traffic away on other websites or violating the cost parity terms.
Issues in Seller Performance
Amazon seller’s performance metrics want all the sellers to meet the performance standards. Suppose you are not hitting a mark in these areas, you’re subject to the account suspension. Suppose these areas got down below their threshold, you will have to spend a little time digging in why this is. Is this because of the systemic issue in the business practices that has to get changed? Or this is because of one-off situation, which created the problems? Whatever an issue, make sure you know the true cause to fix it.
Whenever Amazon restricts any account, they will notify you about the reason & ask to see Plan of Action. And this plan proves you know what led Amazon in limiting you or you know what steps are essential to prevent recurrence of these problems.