Is open resonance suitable for every part of the body?

The open MRI has the same function as the traditional one and has no contraindications; however for some areas of the body it may be inaccurate. The main difference is in the resolution of the images, which tend to be less detailed for some parts of the body. The defects are more evident in case you want to examine small and complex parts of the body, at least from the anatomical point of view. Radiologists, for example, always recommend traditional MRI for the joints of the hand, foot, knee, and wrist upright MRI brain scan in East Brunswick, NJ.

In reality, the problem does not have such serious consequences. The devices used for diagnostic examinations of these joints are small in size and certainly do not have the oppressive cylindrical shape. The aforementioned categories of patients, therefore, can undergo it without encountering any critical issues.

How to prepare for mri

MRI, open or closed, is a non-invasive examination that does not require particular preparation. Specifically, unless otherwise indicated by the radiologist, it will not be necessary to follow a particular diet in the days preceding the diagnostic examination. On the other hand, it is essential that the patient remove any type of metal object before undergoing the MRI scan.

It is also necessary to inform the radiologist in advance if there are metal parts inside the body (prostheses, implants, pacemakers or electronic devices). Although no particular criticalities have been highlighted, magnetic resonance imaging in pregnancy is not recommended, especially during the first three months of gestation. Pregnant women must therefore notify the attending physician and the radiologist in advance.

Where to do open mri?

The centers in here in our country to carry out the diagnostic examination in open mode are different. In the area of ​​our nearby places, provides patients with an excellent service with state-of-the-art equipment.

The device is therefore particularly effective for diagnosing joint and musculoskeletal pathologies susceptible to changes when the patient is under postural load or is moving.. These are assessments that would be more difficult with traditional MRI, while other diagnostic tools such as CT or ultrasound would not allow them. It is also indicated for claustrophobic patients , given the open design and the small magnitude of the magnet.